Fruit Pizza


• 1 cup raspberries

• 1 cup kiwi, sliced

• 1 cup blueberries

• 1 cup strawberries, sliced

• 1 store bought sugar cookie dough

• 1 pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese, softened

• 1 tub whipped topping

• 1 tbsp almond extract

• 1 tbsp vanilla extract

• 2 tbsp honey

Grease a tart dish and spread the cookie dough evenly on the bottom.

Bake as directed, or until golden. Remove and cool completely.

Once cooled, mix Philadelphia cream cheese, whipped topping, extracts, and honey.

Spread thick over the cookie crust. Add fruit.

Chill until ready to serve.

This is a winner!!!!! Enjoy.

Amanda Weeklund1 Comment