northeats est. 2019

My name is Amanda Weeklund – I am a Hair Stylist by day, a Cook by night and a Mom 24/7. 

Cooking and baking have always been passions of mine. About 10 years ago I decided to devote one day a week to trying brand new recipes. The bravest family and friends were invited over for New Recipe Monday to try either a masterpiece of a dish OR a dish that we will no longer speak of. These dishes were rated on a very scientific scale: 10 spoons meaning a masterpiece and 1 spoon meaning order a pizza as fast as you possibly can. 

New Recipe Monday is really where my creativity stemmed from. Wanting to keep my creativity flowing, I started tinkering around with flavored Granola. A tiny hobby is now a full-fledged side hustle at the demand of family, friends and other happy customers. I currently have 14 flavors – but I never stop tinkering. 

It has been a journey to say the least - looking back, New Recipe Monday started as a hobby of mine and a creative way to start looking forward to dreadful Mondays. Now that I have started my own family, it is a hobby we all share. My husband, Scotty and my kids, Presley (6) and Jett (4) not only enjoy eating these meals but equally enjoy helping me prepare them. If you don’t believe me, check out my Instagram for the cutest helpers you will ever see! 

If you feel uneasy in the kitchen, that is OK. These recipes are made for every kind of cook. My husband lived off of Rice-A-Roni and is now whipping up Blueberry BBQ Pizza with Hot Honey like it’s his job!

All of these recipes and Granola flavors have been rated 10/10 spoons and meant to share with you and the ones you love most. I hope you enjoy these as much as we have – feel free to leave a comment of the meals you’ve tried or any suggestions on future recipes!

Love, peace and bacon grease!

Amanda Weeklund – Northeats Kitchen